There are many and varied reasons why a couple may not be able to conceive a child. I have had success with many couples who have used acupuncture as a tool for conception. Points are needled on the body and ear, occasionally herbal medicines are suggested and diet is discussed in order for the "host" body to be in the best condition possible. Husbands and wives are both able to benefit from suggestions for diet change, lifestyle change, Acupuncture for balancing the body etc. in order to bring a healthy baby into their home. If motility is an issue, herbal medicines and acupuncture have been used for centuries to increase motility and numbers.
Alternatively I have also assisted patients who seek out acupuncture to enhance their IVF results either by having treatments before embryo transfer to enhance uterine lining or post embryo transfer to increase success of IVF therapy.
The Paulus Protocol is a set of directions for practitioners in the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture field to work with Invitro Fertilization patients in order to make their treatment more successful. It is a specialized, proven technique that was developed with instructions for the pactitioner, prior to, during and after embryo implantation
The Paulus Protocol is as follows:
1. A small number of set points are needled on the body and ear the day before re-implantation of the fertilised egg.
2. Small ‘ear seeds’ (mustard seeds on surgical tape) are placed over acupuncture points on the ear and are squeezed during transfer to stimulate the uterus.
3. Between one and three days after a different set of body and ear points are needled.
4. New ear seeds inserted and manipulated by the woman for the following three days.
After conception no further treatment is required unless there is an obvious condition to be treated. Drug therapy should be avoided as far as possible whilst pregnant, as many drugs cross the placental wall. Conditions such as cystitis, hay fever, asthma, urinary tract infection UTI, sciatica and backache can be controlled by acupuncture during pregnancy, thus avoiding the need for conventional medication.