Crystal healing is the use of crystals in healing therapy as a support to acupuncture and chakra balancing and is a new progressive tool that is very powerfully felt by the patient. Whether they are inclined to believe in the effectiveness of the tool or not, there is no doubt that their experience in sensing the energy is eye opening for them.
Chakra balancing is the component of the patient that lies in the etheric and energetic realms. As Hermes stated in his teachings thousands of years ago "as above, so below" therefore everything that manifests in the physical realm must originate in the energetic realm. Quantum physics now supports this evidence. As a student of both the Hermetic teachings and Quantum Physics, I have learned to balance the energetic and etheric level of the patient by studying with some very powerful energy teachers and masters. One teacher, Mikio Sankey was an amazing inspiration and opened the door for incredible insights into healing the whole person.